Mount Sinai. where God gave Moses and 2.5 million Jews His Torah, the Bible, 3330 years ago.



Proof from History: God Gave Moses and the Jews His Bible


You must distinguish mass “belief” of the other religions, from mass “witnesses” found only at Revelation at Sinai. Masses of "believers" do not validate that religion’s beliefs as historical fact. Have you wondered why did the two major religions not create their religions anew, from the ground up? Why did they base it on the Jewish Bible, the Torah? This is because the Bible was recognized as absolute truth. Those religions would not be credible, or adopted, had they denied known Jewish history with a brand new religion.

It is necessary to now briefly share the unique character of the Bible, which compelled the world to accept its accounts as true, like all history.


God designed man with reason and intelligence so that we engage both, and certainly in the most vital of areas, our relationship with God, i.e., religious life. Using reason, we today realize that such a massively-attended event — Revelation at Sinai — must have occurred. We possess the same proof as those 2.5 million eyewitnesses 3330 years ago. For if Revelation at Sinai did not take place, and Moses attempted to convince individuals that they and millions of others saw something which they had not, the story would never get off the ground. Moses would be viewed as a psychotic. That nation would not adopt Moses’ lies in place of what they all knew was their true history. Imagine someone telling a few thousand New Yorkers that they just witnessed the Twin Towers suddenly reappearing. Not a singe soul would pass this on to his children as a true event, and 3000 years for now, such an event will not be incorporated by major religions as part of their systems. This is exactly what Moses would have confronted, had he lied about God appearing at Sinai. But the fact that all Jews at Sinai repeated the miracle to their children, validates God’s revelation. It must have occurred. Otherwise, we would not be in possession of this unanimously-accepted history.


Bear in mind that Sinai is vastly different than the mass acceptance of Christian or Islamic "beliefs." No other religion claims that masses witnessed God talking to man. There were also no masses witnessing Jesus supposed miracles. These were stories fabricated 200 years after Jesus lived. Why then accept a religion which has no proof?


As is true regarding any historical account, Sinai relies on mass witnesses for its validation. But had it simply been Moses’ word alone, or the word of small groups like regarding Christianity, this does not provide proof, for motive to lie can be found in small groups. Only with mass witnesses do we know for certain that an event transpired. This was the single time in history where God revealed Himself to man. Additionally, had Moses lied, today the world should be in receipt of the “true” Jewish history during the time of Moses’ lie. But there exists no “alternative Jewish history.”


Mass witnesses is how the Bible and all histories are proven. Without mass witnesses, all other religious claims remain unproved, explaining why other religions demand faith. For they have no proof. This reasoning proves the historical truths of Caesar, Alexander and others. The Bible is no different.


God orchestrated an undeniable miracle at Sinai: intelligent words emanating from the inferno of Sinai. Nothing of biological or of earthly origin survives in fire. In all other elements, we do find life. But fire is the one element inside of which all life perishes. That 2.5 million Jews heard intelligent words emanating from fire was proof that there exists an intelligent being not of physical form. This is precisely why God included fire in the miracle! God’s existence was thereby proved, as was His single religion for mankind. And as God included in His words that His Bible not be altered in any way for all time [1], we understand He intended only one religion for man.


The Jews — and not another people — received this law, for all other peoples were then idolatrous. Abraham alone was monotheistic. Abraham’s descendants through Isaac and Jacob then became the keepers of God’s law for all peoples.  As Revelation at Sinai became the litmus test for validating God’s word, by comparison, all other religions claiming divine origin fail to prove themselves. For God demonstrated that when He wishes to prove His words, He does so with undeniable miracles attended by millions of witnesses. He does not wish confusion among men as to what He said and what He did not.


Again, God gave a religion only once in history. God commanded man not to alter it at all, as God knows the future, and that the Bible is applicable unchanged throughout all time, and for all people. All other religions violate God's word by creating new religions. But they are clearly seen as false claims, since they have no evidence of divine origin. Read this again until it is clear through your reasoning that Revelation at Sinai occurred, and that all other religions except Judaism have no proof.




[1] “Everything which I command you to do, that is what you should be careful to do. Do not add upon, it and do not detract from it (Deut. 13:1).”



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